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Frequently Asked Questions
And Our Best Answers!
What is Halotherapy?Halotherapy (Salt therapy) is a natural, holistic, drug-free, alternative treatment for a wide variety of ailments and conditions: asthma, allergies, anxiety, inflammation, skin issues, and even the common cold. The salt is naturally anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial. This type of treatment is currently in high demand and has never been more essential since it can aid in: • Cleaning the respiratory system • Improving lung function • Boosting the immune system • Enhancing mental wellness and reducing stress • Rejuvenating skin • Enhancing athletic performance, endurance, and recovery A true salt therapy session uses a halogenerator, which crushes, grinds, and disperses pharmaceutical-grade salt as micron-sized particles into the air in a specially designed space. The salt air is made up of negatively-charged ionized salt particles, 84 trace elements and minerals which helps to treat and prevent illness and reduce inflammation. The treatment offers a unique, natural therapy that allows you to get a sense of peace and serenity, while simply breathing.
How Does Halotherapy Work?Halotherapy works in three different ways. Because salt is super absorbent, the inhaled dry salt acts like a sponge attracting foreign substances along its path through the respiratory tract. Salt molecules enter the airways of your lungs to break down and release negative ions. The negative ions stimulate the linings of your airways, clearing mucus while boosting your immune response to pathogens. The dry salt can be imagined as behaving like a toothbrush that cleans the respiratory system removing the build-up of foreign elements that cause various respiratory ailments and conditions. Salt is also anti-inflammatory, so the inhaled dry salt particles may help to reduce inflammation in the entire respiratory tract and widen the airway passages. A clean respiratory system naturally results in higher oxygen intake, increased energy, and an improved immune system. Lastly, salt also acts as an antibacterial agent, by dissolving bacteria and pollutants lodged in the respiratory tract. These are then either coughed up or naturally expelled by the body. When the negative ions reach your bloodstream, they are said to produce biochemical reactions that boost serotonin levels.
Is Halotherapy safe?Halotherapy is a natural treatment and very safe. There are no known side effects associated with salt therapy. Sometimes after a session, you might experience a little tickle in your throat, which is the body’s natural way of clearing toxins from your body.
How Effective is Halotherapy?If you’ve ever been to the beach, you know how good the salty air can make you feel. There’s something about the ocean that just has a way of making everything feel better. Imagine being able to capture that feeling and bring it into your everyday life! That’s what salt therapy is all about. The idea behind salt therapy is that salt can help to reduce inflammation and clear out mucus and other irritants from the lungs. Salt therapy may be especially helpful for people who suffer from respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, COPD, and cystic fibrosis. The salt that is not inhaled into the respiratory system and that lands on an individual’s skin may help with issues such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It is so effective that many people feel a difference after their first session.
How Long Does Halotherapy Take to Work?Everyone reacts to halotherapy differently. Once you begin your halotherapy sessions, you will be able to determine how many sessions per week will help you. We say “make halotherapy a habit”. Many people find that adding halotherapy to their wellness routine increases their overall health and vitality. It is relaxing and therapeutic.
Are there any side effects?Dry salt therapy is 100% natural and drug free. Salt therapy is generally considered safe for most people. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering trying salt therapy. First of all, if you have any open wounds or cuts on your skin, you should not participate in salt therapy until they have healed completely. The salt could potentially irritate your skin or delay healing time.Some people may experience dryness in their skin. This typically stops after a few sessions and can be relieved with lotion or oil. Some people may also experience a temporary increase in mucus. This is a good thing! The salt is doing its job by loosening phlegm in your lungs and sinuses. The release of this can decrease symptoms of congestion, asthma, and other respiratory ailments. Some people have concerns about salt and the possibility of it raising their blood pressure. Because the salt in salt therapy is inhaled and not digested, there is no correlation to salt therapy raising an individual’s blood pressure. One factor that may contribute to the positive effects of halotherapy is hydration. Inhaling salty air can cause you to lose water through your lungs. This can lead to dehydration, which can in turn cause a host of symptoms including fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. Therefore, it is important to drink plenty of fluids before and after a halotherapy session to prevent dehydration. Additionally, staying hydrated throughout the day will help to thin mucus and improve overall respiratory health.
What respiratory conditions does halotherapy treat?Halotherapy helps alleviate symptoms of allergies, asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, frequent colds, hay fever, rhinitis, sinusitis, smokers’ cough, damage from smoking, and upper respiratory disorders. Halotherapy is great for anyone who relies on their lungs for performance - athletes, singers, and everyone in between. While we recommend halotherapy as an adjunct or complementary treatment to your existing treatment regimen, it may be beneficial for pregnant women, young children or others for whom medications are contraindicated or not well-tolerated.
What skin conditions does halotherapy help?Halotherapy is great for acne, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.
Are there any other benefits of halotherapy?Halotherapy helps tackle inflammation, as well as mental lethargy, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), stress and depression, including postpartum depression. It can also help with insomnia, ear infections and snoring relief. While most of the known and reported benefits of halotherapy are for the lungs and skin, the beneficial effects of negative ions on mental well-being are of particular interest. Negative ions, such as that produced during a halotherapy session, have been shown to increase mental clarity and mental well-being. The negative ions bond and neutralize the positive ions that are abundant in our busy city-dwelling lifestyle, which tends to cause mental fatigue and inflammation. Negative ions have been described as a natural antidepressant. With reduced free radicals (or positive ions) in our system, inflammation decreases and there is a relaxing effect in the body which normalizes breathing rate, decreases blood pressures and relieves tension. There are several studies that indicate Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression in the winter months, can be effectively treated with Halotherapy. Research from the University of California showed positive ions can create anxiety, irritability and a hyper-serotonin state, whereas the negative ions, such as those created in halotherapy, can neutralize the anxiety and irritability by normalizing serotonin levels which potentially improves one's mental outlook, mood and sleep. Additionally, a “clarity effect” has been described when talking about the benefits of negative ions and the brain, which describes improved mental concentration and performance.
Is it Safe for Children?Yes! In fact, dry salt therapy is not only safe, but it is a highly recommended natural treatment. Halotherapy is safe and effective, and should be added to your wellness routine. Some of the most notable benefits include improved breathing, reduced stress levels, and improved skin conditions. Halotherapy may also help boost the immune system and could reduce the severity of cold and flu-like symptoms. If you’re looking for a natural way to help your child breathe better or improve their skin condition, halotherapy is definitely worth considering. Remember that you don’t have to feel unwell to benefit from a halotherapy session. Regular sessions can help improve your overall health.
Who shouldn’t use halotherapy?Those who are coughing up blood, or if you’re at risk for it, should not use the salt tent. Others who should avoid halotherapy include: those with pulmonary insufficiency, acute or severe disease of other organs (unless you have clearance from your physician) and children under 6 months.
Is halotherapy safe for pregnant women?Always confirm with your Doctor, depending on your own pregnancy journey. Dry Salt therapy is a great choice for women who do not want to rely heavily on over-the-counter or prescribed medication for sinusitis, asthma, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses. In addition, the ionized salt particles help boost their immune system.
Should I stop using my medication during halotherapy?No. Haotherapy should be used as a complementary treatment. People who utilize halotherapy sessions frequently often find that they can reduce their dependence on certain medications and that their episodes are not as frequent or severe. However, you should always follow your doctor’s advice and your prescribed medication regimen.
What should I expect during my halotherapy session?During your halotherapy session, you’ll be invited to sit and relax in our salt tent that gives off a comfortable, calming vibe. We have two chair options - sturdy padded reclining chair or moon pod - for you to relax in. Sit back, relax and breathe.
What do I wear to the Salt Tent?Dress comfortably to relax and breathe. If skin conditions are your main focus, make sure to wear clothing that maximizes skin exposure (such as shorts and tank top). Your clothes won’t get messed up from the salt nor will your hair or make-up. You will need to remove your shoes before entering the tent.
Can I read a book in the tent?This is a special time for internal reflection and healing. You are encouraged to let your body rest and repair in a passive way. But if reading brings you to your peaceful state then feel free to enjoy your book.
Can I bring in food or water during my session?No food is allowed in the tent but feel free to bring water.
Are the sessions private?The sessions are private, with each tent large enough for one client. Privacy screens keep each area secluded.
How long are the sessions?Sessions are 10 minutes in duration of salt aerosolization. The appointment time is 15 minutes to provide time for settling in at the start and collecting your things at the end. The concentration of salt is adjusted for your comfort.
How many sessions are necessary to achieve benefits?Halotherapy offers the best results when practiced regularly. The benefits are cumulative - consistency and frequency is the key. Those with chronic issues will benefit greatly by visiting our salt tent at least 3 times a week. Those who want to incorporate halotherapy into their regular wellness routine would benefit from a weekly session. Halotherapy is safe to use on a daily basis, if desired.
What is the cancellation policy?A 24 hour cancellation notice is required. A no-show for your appointment will result in a $25 fee added to your next session.
What happens if I’m late for my session?Since our sessions begin promptly every 15 minutes, we ask you to arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled session time to utilize the restroom, change clothes if desired and prepare to relax. If you are late and arrive after the scheduled session, we will be happy to reschedule your session should the schedule allow.
Is There Scientific Evidence to Support the Claims?Yes! And there is more research happening every day. This is an incredibly exciting field, with new studies happening around the world. A study published in Pediatric Pulmonology found that after 14 sessions of halotherapy, there was a significant decrease in symptoms in patients with asthma. Another study published in the European Respiratory Journal found that halotherapy improved the quality of life for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). And a study done in Russia on the effectiveness of halotherapy and dermatitis showed a 58% decrease in symptoms. With studies continuing to emerge about the efficacy of this treatment, it’s absolutely worth considering if salt therapy is right for you.
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